You need to be sure that you are going to be working with someone who you can relate to, who is going to understand where you are coming from and where you want to go. So I'm going to fill you in my journey and credentials for helping you with yours.

My Story

I spent most of my previous working career in the corporate world, working at a senior level for large organisations like Centrica, BT, Airmiles (now Avios), the Post Office, and for marketing agencies and IT companies. My areas of expertise were CRM (customer relationship marketing), insight and Data and my last stint in the corporate world was in my own CRM agency which I set up with some industry colleagues. I have manged large diverse teams across multi-locations and also worked as an independent consultant.

So, unlike some other wellbeing practitioners, I have real life experience of the corporate world. I understand the pressures, the career paths, the expectations, the office politics, the interpersonal relationships, the work/life balance etc. I am likely to understand what your life is like and what you are up against. I understand the pressures of balancing home and work life and the conflicts that arise.

I also became acutely aware, that although I was a recognised name and influencer with large budgets and responsibilities, that those stood for nothing as I reached a certain age. This meant I had to explore my feelings, accept my journey and adjust accordingly by integrating my heart-felt desires with my head-held experiences.

I left the corporate world in the end, but you don’t have to! Or maybe that’s what you would like to do too. Whatever, we can explore what makes you tick and what you need to focus on to achieve your goals and ambitions, at work or in other areas of your life.

My Personal Journey

Of course, your concerns may not be work related at all. You may be looking to enhance other areas of your life – personal relationships with a partner, friends and family, your mental health, your transition from one period of your life to another.

Throughout my life I have faced challenges which I have dealt with in a positive, forward-thinking way. My childhood was happy but there was little money and my parents had mental health problems. I didn’t go to university but started working at 16 and worked my way up through hard work and taking opportunities (some might say risks!). My wife and I didn’t manage to have our own children, so we adopted – we have two gorgeous daughters, but it’s fair to say it’s been a challenging experience, as they have various medical and educational needs which continue to affect them even as adults. I was made redundant a few times and had to find new roles. Like most people, I have been left disappointed by how other people sometimes treat me and how I can’t always get what I want.

The Big Change

The big break-through for me was when I became ill with various unusual symptoms which I now know were stress-related and the doctors I consulted had no solutions. I did my own research and ended up learning Buteyko breathing, which combined with spending time outdoors in nature, transformed my health to such an extent, I decided to train in breath training myself.

From there I started to explore meditation and mindfulness and then Forest Bathing, after my wife gifted me a session at Kew Gardens. I was so impressed with the experience of Forest Bathing that I trained and qualified as an Institute of Forest Bathing Practitioner and now run sessions for people in various locations in South West London, Surrey and beyond.

I have since added Life Coaching to my skills, having trained with one of the leaders in the field – Nina Madden. I am accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and also am a fully qualified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner.

My Approach

I love being able to help people as individuals or via team/group activities move forward, in whatever way is right for them – whether it’s from reducing their stress levels via Forest Bathing or improving their breathing or exploring their goals and ambitions through life coaching. I do my best to live by my own focus on well-being – I live near plenty of green spaces and walk my two Bernese Mountain Dogs in the nearby woods every day, practise my breathing, and I still play football every week.

I believe I have an approachable style and am good at listening to what my clients, whether corporate or private individuals. I work from my office in my home in Kingston upon Thames but am happy to travel (within reason for individual clients) or see clients online.

I also support third-party retreats with forest bathing, breathwork and life coaching and so if you are a retreat provider and need some extra hands…

To find out more contact me on
+44 (0)7950 41 41 49