Better Health through Enhanced Breathing

Why Optimising Your Breathing is Important

If you are like half the population, you breathe through your mouth, keep your mouth open for much of the time, and breathe in a shallow fashion. This means that you are breathing inefficiently and that your body is not in a state of rest as much as it needs to be. This can lead to all sorts of physical and mental health challenges.

I can teach you how to breathe better, through the nose only and using your diaphragm so you can perform better both physically and cognitively and maintain a healthy and balanced state. You will learn to naturally keep your mouth closed, leading to better sleep, less anxiety, improved mental and physical health and performance.

My Journey with Buteyko and How It Can Transform Your Health

Years ago now, becoming ill with symptoms like constantly waking up from my sleep, struggling to breathe calmly, constant coughing, racing heartbeat, feeling exhausted all the time, losing my joie de vivre, made me go look for solutions rather than rely on the doctors I consulted (who were at a loss to be honest).

I made lots of lifestyle changes, but the biggest help was retraining my breathing. I scoured the internet looking for ideas that would help me regain my health, and thankfully I discovered a type of breathing named after its founder, Buteyko.

Buteyko breathing is often used to treat asthma, but it is great for so much more, including snoring, sleep apnoea, sinusitis. It also helps improve sporting performance and can have a positive impact on anxiety and other aspects of mental health.  

I qualified in Buteyko coaching with the leading Buteyko International Clinic and the Oxygen Advantage Program with Patrick McKeown after having experienced its benefits myself, and I would love to share these with you to help you improve your own wellbeing.

Breathing Sessions

Sessions can be done face to face, or over zoom, so I can see you wherever you are in the world. For face-to-face clients, we go into nature for some sessions so you can practice breathing well and walking at the same time.

Who Can Benefit from Breathing Training?

Breathing better is great for everyone, including children, who can stop bad breathing habits now. Interestingly, poor breathing is implicated in all matter of childhood conditions, including poor attention, behavioural difficulties, asthma of course, and even crooked teeth and overbites. It is also ideal to help children with their sporting performance – no one benefits from getting breathless on the sporting field.

What People Are Saying

“I cannot recommend Nigel highly enough. His breathing techniques have really helped me understand my breathing and with the exercises I have really improved my overall fitness levels, noticed significant improvement with my asthma as well as my sleeping pattern as a result.”

— Gavin R

“Nigel at The Breathing Studio really knows his stuff when it comes to helping you to use your breath properly. He is an excellent mentor, making it easy to master the techniques he teaches you.”

— Matt J

“I first met Nigel through continuing my health and fitness journey that I have been on for a few years. I knew I needed to breath better. Nigel helped me enormously with my fitness levels by providing me with excellent 1-2-1 exercises. My 5KM PB has now reduced to below 24 minutes as a result.

I found Nigel to be a thoroughly engaging and caring individual and through our meetings we discussed other issues I wasn’t previously considering like anxiety and meditation. I now meet with Nigel’s meditation group and I’m really looking forward to continuing on this journey as Nigel expands his repertoire with other wellbeing adventures.”

— Nick M

“I have recently been doing some breathwork training with Nigel at The Breathing Studio. One of the reasons I was interested is because for several years now I’ve had intermittent night terrors where I think I’m drowning and I believe I can’t breathe. I also have a history of being highly claustrophobic.

Seeing as we had got to a point where my fear of not being able to breathe was getting in the way of my progress, Nigel, used his training in the Mind Detox Method ( to make a much-needed shift.

Fast forward to tonight, and I got tangled up trying to get out of a tight neck jumper. Instead of my usual response of mad panic, I stayed calm and relaxed and just took my time. Wow! What a difference! Thank you, Nigel, for clearing a nearly 43-year-old issue and giving me my confidence back. I can’t wait to see what longer term impact along with my new breathing”

— Becci G

“I have worked with Nigel over a number of sessions in supporting my recovery from Long Covid. Nigel’s extensive knowledge of breathwork has enabled me to have a much greater understanding of my own issues. He has been able to explain clearly and simply what is going on, and what I have needed to do to enable my lungs to return to normal functioning. 

Nigel has a great awareness and sensitivity about what pace to go at, so I’ve never felt out of my depth with the work, but equally I have felt I am making constant progress. He is also compassionate, understanding and generous with his time, resulting in my always having a sense of being listened, heard and supported in what, at times, can be a challenging process.”

— Emma G

“Thanks to Nigel’s guidance, I have increased my deep breathing capacity. My husband who is a mouth breather has regular headaches. He has learnt breathing through the nose and that has reduced his frequent headaches.”

— Ling H

“Before I came to Nigel I had been suffering from sleeplessness due to breathing difficulties at night. I saw a number of doctors that diagnosed me differently every time, but the medication I was put on didn’t work, and the issue just got worse. It began to affect my work and everyday life.

I finally tried Nigel’s breathwork – both daily and as a coping mechanism, and focused on not just breathwork but the link to anxiety. To my surprise it worked immediately and I came off my medication with only a few minor issues from time to time. It’s clear the mind and body are so much more connected than we think, and no doctor was able to help the way Nigel did. Will forever be grateful for the impact it’s had on my life!”

— Isha P

“The Breathing sessions that I participated in with Nigel, have been immensely helpful in identifying my breathing patterns and unhelpful habits. The exercises practiced during the sessions have helped to correct these, particularly with the shallow chest breathing that I have somehow adopted as my norm.

The online zoom facility was much appreciated by me as I do not live locally to Nigel and it worked surprisingly well. Even though we were not in the same room, Nigel could observe and put me back on track.

It was good to be given homework so that I could practice the strategies in between sessions.

I definitely recommend Nigel Grimes and his teaching of improving breathing methods.”

— Angela D

Want to Learn More about the Power of Breathing?

To find out more about how learning to breathe effectively, please visit my dedicated breathing site.

Reach out today and let's discuss how I can help you achieve a life of vitality through effective breathing techniques.