Schools and Colleges

Fostering Wellbeing for Students and Staff

The demands on both staff and students these days means that offering wellbeing sessions can make a huge difference to results and morale.

I have worked with schools and colleges, providing bespoke packages based on their particular needs, and I can do the same for you.

Often, team activities are competitive and can be unappealing to less confident, quieter staff and pupils. The great thing about wellbeing activities is that they are accessible to just about everyone and no one is asked to be in the spotlight or is in danger of being shamed for not doing well. Plus, of course, you are providing a valuable resource for their mental health, which they can develop in their own way once the session is over.

I have also combined with the school in supporting parents with their wellbeing as they are an important pillar in a student’s educational structure.

Popular options include:

Forest Bathing Sessions

The wellbeing benefits are well documented and great for a different sort of team activity.  You can add other activities such as painting, singing or yoga in nature.

Breathing Training

Learning to breath properly and breath control are ideal for dealing with exam and everyday anxiety for both staff and pupils, for keeping healthy in the classroom, and for enhancing sporting performance.

Wellness Workshops and One Day Retreats

Such as ‘Dealing with Anxiety’ and ‘Healthy Sleep’.

Relaxation sessions

Great for mental health, often in block sessions over several weeks, although one-off sessions can deliver a great result too.

Life Coaching for Staff

A benefit that your team will really appreciate.

What People Are Saying

“We have been lucky enough to have had Nigel in school delivering workshops to all members of our community. He has led forest bathing workshops in our grounds for parents, which have been a huge success. Many commenting on how informative and relaxing they found the experience with tips to carry forward into their day to day.
Nigel also led an 'Importance of breathing workshop' for staff as part of our 'Sharing Best Practice' with information that could be applied to both their own and students' life. He also spoke to Year 10 and 11 pupils about breathing for performance, whether this was exams, public speaking, sport or performing arts. Pupils also had opportunity to learn and practice better breathing techniques to employ when they are feeling overwhelmed.
Nigel is so informed about his wellbeing specialist subjects and his enthusiasm for the topic is evident whilst being delivered in a really supportive way. It has been great to work with Nigel on the best focus for each of our sessions, tailoring it to the audience's needs.”

— Mariette Douglas
Wellbeing Manager & School Counsellor
Duke of Kent School

Get in touch and see how we could work together