Nature’s Healing – Forest Bathing

If you enjoy being out in nature, especially in amongst the trees, then forest bathing is for you.

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The Transformative Power of Forest Bathing

You probably know already how good you feel after a walk in a forest or wood. This isn’t just the result of a relaxing day in the countryside – being among the trees is actually good for our physical and mental health, as the Japanese discovered, when they came up with the concept of Shinrin-yoku, or ‘forest bathing’.

In Japan it is a crucial part of their health service, both for preventative treatment and for targeting specific ailments. Over there, so many people live in cities, surrounded by technology, and spending time in nature is seen as an antidote to the modern lifestyle.

Nature's Healing Gift for Mind, Body, and Soul

Forest Bathing does not involve swimming – instead it allows you to explore the forest in a calm and peaceful way, using all your senses to experience the nature around you.  

Trees give off chemicals called ‘phytoncides’. These have natural qualities that protect the trees from germs and parasites and they benefit visitors to the forest too. Researchers have found that just by breathing in the forest air, we can enhance our mood, reduce our stress levels, boost our immune response, lower our blood glucose levels, improve our sleep… in turn helping to reduce life-style induced illnesses.

Just going for a walk in the trees can help, but forest bathing is a more guided experience to help you get the most out of your time spent in the woods.

My Journey into Forest Bathing

I was hooked on forest bathing after my first session, a present from my wife for a session among the trees at Kew Gardens.

I decided to train in this fascinating area and am now an accredited practitioner with the Forest Bathing Institute. I have been leading Forest Bathing experiences in many locations in the south east of England for several years now and have some great praise from clients to share with you.

What People Are Saying

“We had a really enjoyable morning on Wimbledon Common, listening in ways we hadn’t done before, focusing and seeing things in a different way. We used all our senses to explore nature around us.  I really enjoyed the guided relaxation under the trees. I would recommend this to everyone, really important to connect with nature and learn how to ground ourselves when life seems to be full on. Thank you.”

— Nicole

“I had been keen to try Forest Bathing for sometime - we tend to rush through nature without truly appreciating it. I think the pacing of your session helped me to move into a more relaxed state while still learning a lot about the experience of Forest Bathing itself. That relaxed state stayed with me for the rest of the day, and I felt I learnt a lot as well. The supporting info made sure I was really well prepared for the day - couldn't have asked for anything better.”

— Jacqui

“I had a wonderful time during the forest bathing session. It felt to be a calm and holding experience. It was lovely to explore an area that I haven't before, even though it is so close to home. I appreciated your knowledge and approach which made me feel at ease and able to embrace a new experience. Thank you for your time and I hopefully look forward to joining another session in the future.”

— Karise

“We had our walk in the rain and it enhanced the experience with the relaxing sounds of water on the leaves. I would describe it as a mindful walk through nature focusing on listening to your surroundings, deeply connecting and rooting yourself within nature. It’s a breath of fresh air for the senses especially if you, like me, are surrounded by screens daily. Nigel’s excellent breathing techniques and guidance let us really detach from the fast paced world and enter into a serene state. I felt incredibly rejuvenated and have recommend it to all my colleagues.”

— Michaela

“I really enjoyed the session and I was able to switch off from my day and just be in the moment appreciating nature around me at a deeper level.”

— Pippa

“I tried a forest bathing taster session with Nigel in the summer and really enjoyed it so booked on one of his sessions at Winkworth Arboretum. This is the perfect location for getting in touch with nature and we completed a range of exercises to connect different senses with the natural world, and trees in particular. It was calming and relaxing and I had a real sense of wellbeing and happiness after the session. Thank you Nigel, I'll be back for more!”

— Stephanie

“Thank you for introducing me to the world of forest bathing. Through yoga I'm very aware of my breath and different breathing techniques and how breath affects our system - the yoga postures assist the opening and awareness of our internal body movement - but being out in nature and experiencing the breath with different smells, lights, sounds and colours around you offers another level - freedom - which is very different if you practise yoga in overcrowded studios.”

— Conny

“Thank you for a splendid session that my friends and I all enjoyed very much this morning. It was very good to have time to ’stand and stare’ as the poem goes and to use all our permissible senses. 

It was a very good reminder too, that we need time to nurture ourselves otherwise we can’t help others as effectively. It came at a time of having had post viral fatigue, hopefully gone….so very timely. It has lifted my spirits, so that is lovely. 

After many years and being task driven during 40 years of teaching, including in retirement at times, it has made me stop and think how important pausing is”

— Ginnie

Bespoke Forest Bathing Experiences

You can join one of my regular sessions in the woods at Wimbledon Common or Claremount Lake near Esher, or I can organise bespoke sessions for you – these are particularly popular with corporate clients, who are looking to help employees with their mental and physical health in an accessible and fun way.

Gift vouchers are also available – these make a great gift for the parent or friend who has everything and who may never have explored the woods in this way.  It’s particularly popular as a bonding experience with parents, children, new partners…

Find out about my next sessions here or get in touch to discuss how Forest Bathing could work for you.

Want to Learn More about Forest Bathing?

Visit my dedicated forest bathing website and dive into forest bathing topic - benefits, treatments & more.

Ready to reconnect with yourself through the tranquility of the forest?

Reach out today to explore how Forest Bathing can be tailored to suit your needs.