Life Coaching

Unlock Your Potential

You might feel a little bit stuck in a particular area of your life or are just looking to make sure that you are truly living your best life. This is where life coaching sessions can really help – mapping out where you are and where you hope to be in the future with the guidance of someone who is not so personally connected to you.

That’s where I come in. I am an accredited life coach with the International Coaching Federation(ICF). Having trained with top life coach and teacher Nina Madden, I can assist you to see what you cannot see in yourself and have the tools to help you work out what you want and how to achieve it.

Elevate Your Career and Life

You might be looking to fire up your career, for example, or you may be looking to do something completely different. Having worked at a senior level in the corporate world for many years, I understand the demands of highly pressured jobs and how being focused about what you want can give you the clarity to be successful. I also know what it feels like to want to do something different and leave the security of the corporate world for a new challenge.

Life coaching can also, of course, be used to help you think differently about all sorts of personal issues and how to move forward. I usually find that people are dealing with multiple issues – we may start with career planning only to discover much more beneath.

The great thing about life coaching is that it offers practical solutions to life’s dilemmas. People can start to make great progress after just a few sessions.  

What People Are Saying

Karen came to me feeling a little stuck in life and at a stage where she was unsure of her next steps. She was able to take stock, recognise her success and take those lessons and positive beliefs into a forward-looking plan.

“The session was my first ever life coaching, and I found it to be both thought provoking and supportive, whilst guiding me towards me seeing a bigger picture of what I want from life.  The coaching enabled me to think about what my priority in life is, and how I might be able to achieve it.  We finished with an action plan, which I have gone on to implement, and use the key pointers from the session to adapt this plan when I've needed to.”

— Karen M.

Karen was unsure of her next career move and had somewhat been undervalues in a couple of recent roles and wanted to clarify what she really desired. Karen worked hard to establish her desires and then capture and commit to an action plan to move her forward.

“Upon having a life coaching session with Nigel and focusing on what I would to do as a career, we put together an action-plan and Nigel suggested a deadline for completing this plan. He also helped me with criteria to help decide my next career choice. All of this was extremely helpful giving me some proper time to consider my next steps. Thanks Nigel!”

— Karen R.

Jane needed some help in balancing her desire to wind down her career over the next few years with her heart’s desires and interests and weigh up the financial consequences of when to do this and move towards retirement.  Jane was able to unearth her priorities of her heart and agree a plan of action to confirm her financial needs and stability.

“Nigel listened carefully to my concerns during our session, taking time to suggest some avenues I could consider which I hadn't previously thought of and which I am now exploring.”

— Jane G.

Denise was finding it hard to balance work, her homelife and enjoy her grandchildren and other family members as much as she would love. She found the answers inside and painted a picture in her mind and heart of what she wanted and how she could have her cake and eat it!

“What a privilege to have some life coaching with Nigel. He made me rethink the importance of work / home life balance. With such a lovely demeanour Nigel has, he makes you think about yourself and what you would like to achieve in your life. I would definitely recommend Nigel.”

— Denise T.

Angela wanted to pursue a lifelong ambition of using her creative skills to write a novel. However, procrastination and a small set of unhelpful beliefs was holding her back. Angela reassured herself this is what she really wanted and was going to put regular time aside and review steps for her to pursue her dream.

“Nigel was very thorough in finding where I was stuck and unlocking the reasons I couldn't move forward with my vision. With the plan now on course I have a guide and focus to work with. Thank you, Nigel.”

— Angela N.

Your Wellbeing Investment

£125 per session (up to 75 minutes) or prebook a block of five sessions for £550 (£75 saving)

I offer a free first mini-session to explore what’s going on with you and how you could benefit from life coaching, so please get in touch.