Improving Physical Performance during the Menstrual Cycle

Correct breathing patterns including nasal breathing can counter increased respiration during the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle and as a result support levels of sporting and athletic performance including the strategic and in the moment decision-making.

Nasal breathing offers several physiological benefits that can help counter increased respiration during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Here's how:

1. Regulation of Breathing Patterns

Nasal breathing helps to naturally slow down the breathing rate and increase the efficiency of respiration. When breathing through the nose, the smaller nasal passages provide resistance, which can help regulate the breathing pace and prevent hyperventilation, a common issue during the luteal phase due to increased progesterone and reduced oestrogen levels.

2. Nitric Oxide Production

The nasal passages produce nitric oxide, a gas that plays a crucial role in respiratory health. Nitric oxide helps to:

  • Dilate blood vessels: Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues.

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Helps in reducing infections and maintaining nasal health.

  • Improve Oxygen Uptake: Enhances the uptake of oxygen in the lungs.

3. Filtration and Humidification

Nasal breathing filters and humidifies the air before it reaches the lungs. This process ensures that the air is clean and moist, reducing the risk of airway irritation and promoting better respiratory function, especially important during the luteal phase when nasal congestion can exacerbate breathing issues.

4. Engagement of the Diaphragm

Nasal breathing encourages diaphragmatic breathing, which is more efficient and helps to maximize lung capacity. Diaphragmatic breathing can improve oxygenation and reduce feelings of breathlessness that may be more pronounced during the luteal phase.

Diaphragmatic breathing improves the stability and posture of athletes lessening the rick of injury. A strong diaphragm enhances any core stability strength.

5. Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Nasal breathing is often slower and deeper than mouth breathing, which can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Lowering stress can help in managing the increased respiratory drive induced by hormonal changes.

Techniques to Enhance Nasal Breathing During the Luteal Phase

  1. Breathing Exercises: Practice exercises such as diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and Buteyko breathing techniques to enhance nasal breathing efficiency.

  2. Mouth Tape: Using mouth tape can help reduce hyperventilation and support mouth breathing to encourage nasal breathing.

  3. Nasal Strips: Using nasal strips can help keep the nasal passages open, reducing congestion and facilitating better airflow.

  4. Saline Rinses: Regular saline rinses can help clear nasal congestion and maintain nasal hygiene.

  5. Humidifiers: Using a humidifier, especially during sleep, can keep the nasal passages moist and reduce congestion.

  6. Nasal Decongestants: If necessary, over-the-counter or prescribed nasal decongestants can be used to alleviate severe congestion.

Practical Steps

  1. Mindful Breathing: Make a conscious effort to breathe through your nose, particularly during rest and low-intensity activities.

  2. Nasal Cleansing: Use saline nasal sprays or neti pots to keep nasal passages clear.

  3. Proper Hydration: Stay well-hydrated to help maintain mucosal health in the nasal passages.

  4. Exercise Adaptations: During physical activity, focus on nasal breathing techniques.


Nasal breathing can play a significant role in countering the increased respiratory drive during the luteal phase by regulating breathing patterns, enhancing oxygen uptake, slowing down lactic acid and reducing stress. Employing techniques to improve nasal breathing can help manage physical and mental symptoms effectively, leading to better overall respiratory health and comfort during this phase of the menstrual cycle.


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